Winning the Battleground of America

Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States of America, earning 306 electoral college votes to Hillary Clinton’s 232. Notable as “far from your typical election”, the 2016 race to the White House was won in four battleground states, with a total of 75 electoral votes at stake, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida. The margin of victory ranged from 11,612 votes or 0.5% in Michigan to 119,770 votes or 2.6% in Florida.


While Hillary Clinton won the national popular vote with 65,844,954 votes, a margin of victory of 2,865,075 votes or 4.5%, Article Two of the United States Constitution established the United States Electoral College as the mechanism to select the President and Vice President of the United States of America.

Despite Hillary Clinton’s total raise of $1.2 billion to Donald Trump’s $647 million, 2016 Presidential Campaign Fundraisingbut short of Barack Obama’s 2012 all time record breaking raise of $2 billion Obama sets all time record fundraisingTrump’s message, in particular the pounding away of “Bill Clinton’s NAFTA” and the thunderous threats to “repeal Obamacare”, defied conventional wisdom and won over a far superior ground game by Hillary Clinton Trump Clinton field offices, to bring out unprecedented numbers of conservative suburban and rural voters in these four states. Obama Trump Counties

The family wallet and the tremendous pride of being the primary breadwinner are powerful motivating forces, particularly in states where shifts in manufacturing technology and energy consumption demand new skills and proactive solutions to employment. Free trade, evolving energy policy, and innovation in technology are hallmarks of a sound capitalist society. They do not “make America not great”. But they do require us to ask thoughtful questions and seek viable solutions to employment. Manufacturing skill gap

One point of clarification on the North American Free Trade Agreement. George Bush Sr. signed NAFTA in Law on December 17, 1992. President Elect and then Governor Clinton endorsed the agreement but said he wanted better protections for American workersABC News Video Pres Bush signs NAFTA.

While many in this country stood aghast as they watched a Presidential Candidate go on viral tweet storms at four in the morning, or brag about sexually assaulting women, or simply make remarks that, at the very least would be considered grossly unprofessional, this candidate knew exactly his message and target audience. Donald Trump may be insecure and erratic, but he is a very clever person, and I would argue, “a master of the message” in this era of the “sound bite” and the 24/7 entertainment news cycle. Hillary Clinton is a brilliant and strategic thinker with an extraordinary work ethic. She is always the consummate professional with veteran experience and judgment, but her message in these four battleground states was unfortunately less effective than her opponent.

Elections are about issues. As an energetic and committed finance professional, building my empire and living the dream in the greatest country in the world, I place a high premium on sound economic policies and a strong global presence. I am very focused on healthcare, income and wealth distribution, equality in compensation, energy policy, and the war against terror.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), one of the most significant pieces of legislation in the history of this country, which we can trace to Hillary Clinton’s plan from the 2008 primary race, which President Obama fully adopted and signed into law in 2010, is the first serious attempt to reign in the U.S. healthcare spend, whose trajectory prior to enactment, was unsustainable and would have bankrupt the country by 2035. Please read this article by two veteran economists from both Democratic and Republican administrations, and stay informed. Blinder and Hubbard on National Debt.  If there is one single issue that keeps me awake at night, this is it. The subject matter is highly complex and confusing, but demands our attention and participation in the discussion. The single largest long term threat to the U.S. economy is our healthcare spend with the truly alarming budget realities to come in the next decade. If the Affordable Care Act or Trumpcare is not enough, we must be prepared to do more.

How could Trump change healthcare in America

Obamacare Pros and Cons

Cost of Obamacare

The core of the American economy is the middle class. They are getting poorer. It is widely recognized that increasing income & wealth inequality is a major problem and that addressing this issue is critical to promote strong and sustained growth. The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) reports that rising inequality cost the U.S. economy almost 7% between 1990 and 2010. In 2013, income of the top 10% was 19 times higher than the bottom 10%. That ratio was 12.5 in the mid 1990’s and 11 in the mid 1980’s. “Countries that promote equal opportunity for all from an early age are those that will grow and prosper.” Living the Rock&Roll American Dream.  There are no easy answers to this problem, but investment in education and fostering an attitude of long term investment is key, as opposed to the ongoing “short-termism” that has become a serious concern in the business world, as it undermines the ability of companies to invest and grow. Are American Investors Killing Their Golden Geese?

In the U.S., women make 80 cents on the dollar compared to men on average. Of course this varies by state. The Simple Truth About the Gender Pay Gap While this clearly adversely affects household budgets during a person’s working years, the impact can be far greater in retirement. If you’re a woman, and you made less than $118,500 in 2016, your social security earnings in retirement will also be less than your male counterparts. As women live longer, and surviving spouses are not entitled to keep their spouse’s monthly benefit, unless they take a reduced benefit to begin with, this makes women more financially vulnerable at a time in their life when age and health have already created that risk. This is simply unacceptable. We can change this trend by promoting and electing more qualified women to leadership roles. Let’s stay on this!

The race for renewable energy has passed a turning point. The world is now adding more capacity for renewable power each year than coal, natural gas, and oil combined. And there’s no going back. Fossil Fuels Just Lost the Race Against Renewables While some discount the evidence, the cost of global warming is significant and preventable. Are the effects of global warming really bad? Ask the Long Island south shore homeowner or the small business owner in lower Manhattan what hit they took from Hurricane Sandy, the costliest storm in U.S. history at $65 billion. Global Disaster Report Sandy and Drought

The two most basic needs we have are health and safety. I have tremendous respect and gratitude for our law enforcement and military. We are a super power and must always defend our freedom and our people. Our world and our country changed on 9/11. The costs are great. The costs not to, are probably far greater. In 2016, the U.S. spent $73.7 billion fighting the war on terror. For the most part, I think out terrorism experts are getting the job done. I trust their judgment and I will never question this budget. But we must continue to attract and retain intelligence and analytical talent.  Further, no one doubts we need better protection on cyber warfare.  Cost War On Terror

People often ask me how I got started in politics. I immediately start glowing and recall that incredible February morning in 2004 when Hillary Clinton walked into the Russell Room at Park Avenue United Methodist Church. We had just finished choir practice and I was chatting with some friends. I thought, that can’t be Hillary Clinton. Then I noticed all the men with ear pieces. My life changed that day. I ran home afterwards and called everyone I knew. Then I ran into Sharon Patrick, my wonderful friend and mentor, a force to be reckoned with for sure. A brilliant, savvy, fiercely independent, and highly successful business person who has also changed my life. At the time, we were still getting to know each other in the elevator and lobby of our lovely little COOP on East 84th Street, and I had no idea she was a long time elite Democratic fundraiser and friend of Hillary Clinton. A meeting of kindred spirits, in a unique location, at a unique time in history. Since that time, I have done some incredible things I would never have dreamed about. In October 2007, I wrote my very first check for $1,000 and attended my very first women’s fundraising event for my hero and champion at a very nice hotel in Washington, DC. I don’t recall which one, I have been to so many since then. On January 1, 2008, I flew to Dubuque, Iowa to get out the vote for the first caucus. It was seventeen below with the wind chill and there was two feet of snow on the ground. Since then, I have traveled to New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Ohio many times. I have traveled by car, plane, and bus, and served as Bus Captain to Philadelphia with my fearless Co-Captain Nicole Ferraro. I have made thousands of phone calls, sometimes at home using some pretty cool new technology, and many nights at Hillary HQ in Brooklyn led by the very driven and terrific Stephanie Yoon and her staff. I have written checks, and succeeded in getting others to write some checks, with the wonderful support of a very diligent and disciplined finance team especially Anne, Carl, Marissa, Lisa, and Dennis. I have learned a great deal and feel very informed and clear on the priorities we face as a nation. I tweet and post on Facebook, and am very active as a member of the social media rapid response team. Yes I have met some influential people. I am struck by their integrity and humility. I have been to Hillary’s home in Washington, D.C. and have sat at a luncheon table with Michelle Obama’s Chief of Staff. I made the front page of the Politics section of the Washington Post in 2008 and the AP top news newsreel in 2015. I am incredibly honored that the team tasked with finding the most appropriate expression of sentiment, recognized my heart and passion. Most importantly, I have made so many incredible friends, people with whom I have a very special bond, who I admire greatly and who are powerful role models.   I have developed tremendous confidence and am living a life filled with joy, abundance, and purpose! I have no regrets and would do it all over again in a heartbeat!

On election night, the world was stunned. I was numb. In the weeks and days leading up to the election, I can’t tell you how many people told me, “Stop worrying, she’s got this.” I’ll be honest, while I was always worried and never felt I could let up, I did feel pretty good about our chances. I did everything I could possibly do. I was accountable to myself and to one of my most precious dreams and goals. I am damn proud of that! That following morning, as I lay completely uncontrolled, shaking and sobbing in my bed, I thought of Hillary, and the looming agenda for the remainder of the week, the major client deliverable, 30 pages of Copyright Law and yet another case brief, and two full weekend days of gymnastics judging. Yes Hillary Clinton changed my world! She taught me about hard work and integrity, the pursuit of goals and justice, how great America truly is, and about never giving up!

Thank you Hillary for being my hero and champion! The legacy of significant people in our history is often never fully revealed until the passage of time. I have tremendous faith in God and I’m certain there is a greater purpose here and you are the catalyst. Onward and upward ! The sky is the limit!

I’ll leave you with this masterpiece. Thank you to the incredible Kate McKinnon, Leonard Cohen, and the provocative team at Saturday Night Live. The Lord of Song!

SNL Election Week Cold Open McKinnon Halellujah



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